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How to Make Bank and Travel the World – Part 1

Girl with tattoo travel the world and make bank tatted nomad

For many new entrepreneurs, a desire to travel the world or spend more time with their families is at the forefront of their decision to leave the corporate world behind. Whatever the initial purpose is, it always revolves on reducing one’s workload and maximizing one’s quality of life without jeopardizing one’s resources.

Despite this, they find themselves often working more than ever before, which comes at a higher price than they first thought: burnout, anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, and most importantly, lack of sleep.


Sounds familiar?

Work Remotely and Travel The World

You’re not alone, so don’t worry. There are a large number of entrepreneurs who fall victim to this trap and spend the rest of their lives racing like a hamster trying to escape out of their wheel.

But as you can guess, neither the hamster nor you will go very far in this race. If you want to making bank while traveling the world while working this is your sign to get started.

Want to travel on a student budget? Check this guide!

how to make bank and travel

Looking for something specific? Head over to it!

Step 1: Self-awareness

The first step to getting out of the hamster wheel is realizing that you’re stuck in it in the first place. No, I mean it. Realize that your existing time management and scheduling methods aren’t working for you, otherwise you’d be making bank while traveling the world already.


Another thing to keep in mind is how much time you spend doing things. Do you know where all your time has gone in the past? Yes, I’m also referring to those five minutes on tiktok or Instagram that extend into twenty-five minutes or more. First things first, here’s a little homework for you: 


Keep track of exactly where your time goes – for one week.


It’s fine if you lose track of something, but make an attempt to track it. The aim of this is that the results may surprise you – not to mention, you’ll feel much more in control of your time if you’re aware of where it goes.


Believe me, when I first did this, I thought there was no way that I spent so much time on specific things – it’s all about perception, baby.

Be Selfish - You Deserve It

If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re likely to be involved in every aspect of your business and to give it equal attention.

As a travelpreneur, where you travel while working, you’ll want to be in perfect control of your time and know exactly where to invest it, so learning how to prioritize tasks is essential.

That’s what you’ll master when traveling.

Decisions Decisions Decisions

So you either:

  1. Decide to outsource tasks that you despise and that take up a lot of your time because you’re dragging them out. 
  2. Realize you’re spending your time on activities that won’t help you achieve your goals but you still enjoy doing (Hello Tiktok & Co.)
  3. Or, more importantly: You realize checking your emails while you’re waiting in line for a museum in Madrid makes more sense than doing the exact same task while you’re sitting in your dark office.


Think about it, do you really need to sit in an office to do simple tasks that can also be done through your phone or from your tablet at a local coffee shop? Traveling while working is easier than you think.


If you pick the checking email example, go through it and reply/sort through the ones that you don’t need to focus on. After you’re done with xyz activity, sit down and take a break at a coffee shop while traveling to focus on the more important emails – it’s a win win.

Some people call it efficiency, but I call it selfishness. After all, you could be spending your time in Italy wandering through forgotten mystical streets instead of sitting in your office all day long.

There are..

..things that can be done on your phone or in a coffee shop, while there are tasks that require your whole focus, like sorting through your expenses.

Here’s a secret to traveling while making bank: The best way to avoid sacrificing the quality of your work is to learn how to prioritize your projects, which includes prioritizing those that demand the most of your attention.

To make bank and travel the world, this will be the most important part of your preparation and time management strategy.

Ready to read part 2? Head over here.




Anna is a traveler, blogger, and entrepreneur who can’t keep herself still. She’s always on the move, whether working hard on a new passion project or exploring a new city as a part-time digital nomad. Dare to keep up? Check out The Tatted Nomad for everything digital nomad, social media marketing, mental health, and travel (and to see her latest addition, Novah, her service dog and travel companion). As a psychotherapist (to be) she also offers insights about your mental health related questions – anything you see that isn’t covered but you have questions about? Let her know!

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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  1. December 9, 2021 / 10:33 am

    Self-awareness is such an important skill in all aspects of life…whether it’s in regards to work, relationships, health, etc.

    • Anna
      December 9, 2021 / 9:40 pm

      I completely agree with you!